How to install Go Autodial in your dedicated server


Go Autodial is a popular open-source call center software that provides a range of features for managing outbound and inbound call campaigns. If you have a dedicated server, you can easily install Go Autodial and start using it to manage your call center operations. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you install Go Autodial on your dedicated server:

Step 1: Choose a Server

First, you need to choose a dedicated server for your Go Autodial installation. A dedicated server is a physical server that is entirely devoted to your business, allowing you to customize it as you see fit. You can purchase a dedicated server from a hosting provider or set up your own hardware.

Step 2: Choose an Operating System

Once you have your dedicated server, you need to choose an operating system to run on it. Go Autodial is compatible with several operating systems, but CentOS is recommended. CentOS is a free, open-source Linux distribution that is known for its stability and reliability. You can download the latest version of CentOS from the official website and follow the instructions to install it on your dedicated server.

Step 3: Install Required Packages

Before you can install Go Autodial, you need to install some prerequisite packages. These packages include Apache, MySQL, PHP, and some additional dependencies. You can use the following command to install them:

yum install epel-release
yum install httpd mariadb-server php php-mysql php-pdo php-gd php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-xml php-pear-DB
This command will install all the necessary packages and dependencies for Go Autodial to function properly.

Step 4: Configure MySQL

Once you have installed the prerequisite packages, you need to configure MySQL. MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system that is used by many web applications. You can use the following commands to configure MySQL:

The first command starts the MySQL service, while the second command launches the MySQL secure installation wizard. Follow the instructions to set the MySQL root password and other security settings.

Next, you need to create a new MySQL database and user for Go Autodial. You can use the following commands:

mysql -u root -p
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON goautodial.* TO 'goautodialuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
Make sure to replace 'goautodialuser' and 'password' with your desired username and password.

Step 5: Download and Extract Go Autodial

With the prerequisite packages and MySQL configured, you can now download and extract Go Autodial. You can use the following command to download the latest version of Go Autodial:

This will download the ZIP file to your server. You can then use the following command to extract the contents of the ZIP file:

This will extract the contents of the ZIP file into the /var/www/html/ directory.

Step 6: Set File Permissions

Once you have extracted the Go Autodial files, you need to set the appropriate file permissions. Use the following commands to set the correct ownership and permissions:

Step 7: Import the Database Schema

After extracting the GoAutodial files, the next step is to import the database schema into your MySQL database. This is required to create the tables and fields that the GoAutodial software needs to function properly. You can import the GoAutodial database schema into your MySQL database using the following command:

mysql -u goautodialuser -p goautodial < /var/www/html/goautodial/install/goautodial.sql
This command will import the database schema into the 'goautodial' database that you created earlier. Make sure to replace 'goautodialuser' with the username that you created earlier and enter the password when prompted.

Step 8: Configure Apache

The next step is to configure Apache, the web server that GoAutodial uses to serve web pages. You need to configure Apache to serve the GoAutodial files from the correct directory and enable some necessary modules.

Open the Apache configuration file in a text editor:

Find the DocumentRoot setting and change it to the following:

Next, find the Directory setting for the DocumentRoot and add the following lines inside it:

This enables Apache to follow symbolic links and allows the .htaccess file in the GoAutodial directory to override global settings.

Next, enable the Apache modules needed by GoAutodial:

The first command enables the rewrite module, which allows URL rewriting. The second command enables the headers module, which allows setting custom headers in HTTP responses. The third command enables the expires module, which allows setting expiration times for static files. The fourth command restarts the Apache service to apply the changes.

Step 9: Configure Firewall

To ensure that your GoAutodial installation is secure, it is essential to configure your firewall to allow only the necessary traffic. GoAutodial uses ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS) for web traffic and port 22 (SSH) for remote access to your server. You can use the following commands to open these ports on your firewall:

The first command allows HTTP traffic, the second command allows HTTPS traffic, and the third command allows SSH traffic. The fourth command reloads the firewall to apply the changes.

Step 10: Test Your Installation

With all the necessary components installed and configured, it is time to test your GoAutodial installation. Open your web browser and navigate to your server's IP address or domain name. You should see the GoAutodial login screen.

Enter the default login credentials: 'admin' for the username and 'goautodial' for the password. Once you log in, you should see the GoAutodial dashboard, where you can create campaigns, manage agents, and monitor call center activity.

Conclusion : 

Installing GoAutodial on a dedicated server requires a few steps, but it is not complicated if you follow the instructions carefully. By installing GoAutodial on your server, you can manage your call center operations efficiently and effectively. With the right hardware and software, you can create a powerful call center that can handle high volumes of calls and maximize your productivity. Make sure to keep your server software and firewall up-to-date to ensure the security and stability of your GoAutodial installation.
